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News 21/36 - 19.08.2009, Arnaud Béchet
 2009 ringing in the Camargue (France)
     Arnaud Béchet

Dear all,

On thursday 23th of July we banded a total of 367 flamingo chicks on the Fangassier lagoon in the Camargue, France. This is almost the total number of fledglings this year in the Camargue as ~10 escaped the beater by flying away. The operation was complicated by the fact that we had to make the creche cross a dyke which was a premiere for a Camargue ringing operation. Advices from Nicola Baccetti and Sergio Nissardi from their Comacchio and Molentargius experience in dyke crossing were very useful so that the crossing was finally done very smoothly in spite of strong
winds (60 km/h). Thanks to both of them. The whole creche was then driven to the corral by a total of 200 volunteers.

You can watch
here the pictures of the operation and the Report on the National evening TV show.

Best wishes for the next ringing operations of the season...



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2010 banding, Camargue
2011 banding, Camargue
2012 banding, Camargue
2013 banding, Camargue
2014 banding, Aigues-Mortes
2015 banding, Camargue
2015 Nest Operation, Camargue
Supporting Flamingos
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163650 visitors
1 connected

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