The Flamingo Specialist Group Newsletters |
Johnson, A.R. & de Boer, B. (1980) ICBP-IWRB Flamingo Working Group Newsletter. 1.
Johnson, A.R. (1980) News from the regions (Old World). ICBP-IWRB Flamingo Working Group Newsletter, 1, 4-8.
Tuite, C. H. (1980) Lesser flamingoes in East Africa: A review 1969-1976. ICBP-IWRB Flamingo Working Group Newsletter, 1, 8-11.

Johnson, A.R. (1984). News from the regions. ICPB-IWRB Flamingo Working Group Newsletter, 2, 3-7
de Boer, B. (1984). News from the new world. ICPB-IWRB Flamingo Working Group Newsletter, 2, 8-11
Dugan, P. J. (1984) Lesser flamingos (Phoeniconaias minor) in West Africa. ICBP-IWRB Flamingo Working Group Newsletter, 2, 12.
Salathé, T. (1984) Predation of flamingos in the Camargue by herring gulls. ICBP-IWRB Flamingo Working Group Newsletter, 2, 13.
Johnson, A. R. (1984) Storm-driven flamingos in France. ICBP-IWRB Flamingo Working Group Newsletter, 2, 14-15.
Van Dijk, K., Van Dijk, A. J., Dijksen, L. J. & Wymenga, E. (1984) Counts and observations of individually marked flamingos in Tunisia. ICBP-IWRB Flamingo Working Group Newsletter, 2, 16-18.
Baker, N. E. (1984) Counts of greater flamingos in Eastern Lybia. ICBP-IWRB Flamingo Working Group Newsletter, 2, 19-22.
Johnson, A. R. (1984) Greater flamingos in Greece. ICBP-IWRB Flamingo Working Group Newsletter, 2, 23.
Kasparek, M. (1984) On the occurrence of the greater flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber roseus) on the Sultan marshes (Turkey). ICBP-IWRB Flamingo Working Group Newsletter, 2, 24-26.
Palmes, P. (1984) Flamingos in Gujarat (India). ICBP-IWRB Flamingo Working Group Newsletter, 2, 27-28.
Johnson, A. R. (1984) A review of flamingo ringing activities throughout the Old World. ICBP-IWRB Flamingo Working Group Newsletter, 2, 29-32.
Anonymous. (1984) Some noteworthy recoveries - sightings. ICBP-IWRB Flamingo Working Group Newsletter, 2, 33.

Johnson, A. R. (1986) News from the region (Old World). Flamingo Research Specialists Group Newsletter, 3, 3-5.
Rendón, M. (1986) La reproduccion del flamenco (Phoenicopterus ruber roseus) en Fuente del Piedra (Espana). Ano 1986. Flamingo Research Specialists Group Newsletter, 3, 6-8.
Rendón, M. (1986) Anillamiento de flamenco (Phoenicopterus ruber roseus) en Fuente de Piedra (Espana). Flamingo Research Specialists Group Newsletter, 3, 9.
Serra Guedes, R. C. and Correa, G. Censos feitos aos bandos de flamingos no estuario do Rio Tejo. Flamingo Research Specialists Group Newsletter, 3, 10-12.
Moser, M. (1986) Greater flamingos nest-building in Dubai Creek. Flamingo Research Specialists Group Newsletter, 3, 13.
Bayle, P., Dhermain, F. & G, K. (1986) Three cases of lead-poisoning in greater flamingos (Phoenicopterus ruber roseus) in Southeastern France. Flamingo Research Specialists Group Newsletter, 3, 14-16.
de Boer, B. A. (1986) News from the regions (new world). Flamingo Research Specialists Group Newsletter, 3, 17-30.
Ottenwalder, J. A. (1986) The American flamingo in Haiti: Aerial surveys and review of status. Flamingo Research Specialists Group Newsletter, 3, 19-23.
Glade, D. A. A. (1986) Breve description del proyecto "Conservacion de flamencos en el Norte de Chile". Flamingo Research Specialists Group Newsletter, 3, 29-30.

Johnson, A. R. (1988) News from the regions (Old World). Flamingo Research Specialists Group Newsletter, 4, 3-6.
Hirons, G. (1988) Breeding ecology of Camargue flamingos during the breeding season. Flamingo Research Specialists Group Newsletter, 4, 7-8.
Rendón-Martos, M. (1988) La reproduccion del flamenco (Phoenicopterus ruber roseus). Flamingo Research Specialists Group Newsletter, 4, 9-13.
Marteijn, E. C. L. & Meininger, P. L. (1988) Greater flamingos in N.E. Greece, Spring 1987. Flamingo Research Specialists Group Newsletter, 4, 14-19.
de Boer, B. A. (1988) News from the regions (new world). Flamingo Research Specialists Group Newsletter, 4, 21-23.
Goodwin, M. L. (1988) La situacion de los flamencos en Venezuela. Flamingo Research Specialists Group Newsletter,4, 24-43.
Anonymous. (1988) Some noteworthy recoveries - sightings. Flamingo Research Specialists Group Newsletter, 4, 44.
Andrade, G. & Morales, J. (1988) Informe de la situación de los flamencos en Colombia. Flamingo Specialist Group Newsletter, 4, 31-40.

Johnson, A. R. (1989) Notes from the regions (Old World). Flamingo Research Group Newsletter, 5, 3-6.
Kebede, E. & Hillman, J. C. (1989) First recorded breeding of greater flamingos (Phoenicopterus ruber roseus) in Ethiopia. Flamingo Research Group Newsletter, 5, 7.
Rendón-Martos, M. (1989) Reserva integral Laguna de Fuente de Piedra - La reproduccion del flamenco (Phoenicopterus ruber roseus) durante 1988. Flamingo Research Group Newsletter,5, 8-10.
Theler, G. (1989) Summary of observations of breeding flamingos at the Lagoon of Fuente de Piedra (Malaga) and in the Marismas (Huelva-Sevilla), Spain, 1986-1988. Research Group Newsletter, 5, 11-12.
Rendón-Martos, M. & Nogueira, C. (1989) Proyector de mejora del habaitat del flamenco (Phoneicopterus ruber roseus) en Las Salinas del Cabo de Gata, Almeria, Espana. Flamingo Research Group Newsletter, 5, 13-14.
Handrinos, G. I. (1989) Mid-winter numbers and distribution of greater flamingos (Phoenicopterus ruber roseus) in Greece. Flamingo Research Group Newsletter, 5, 15-17.
Gaultier, T. & Smart, M. (1989) Observations de flamants roses en Tunisie en 1988. Flamingo Research Group Newsletter, 5, 18-22.
Briot, J.-L. (1989) Boeing 747 encounters flock of flamingos in flight. Flamingo Research Group Newsletter, 5, 24.
de Boer, B. A. (1989) News from the regions (new world). Flamingo Research Group Newsletter, 5, 25-37.
Pejoves, J. (1989) Breve observacion de parinas en Las Lagunas de Mejia, Peru. Flamingo Research Group Newsletter, 5, 38.
Anonymous. (1989) Flamingo ringing in 1988. Flamingo Research Group Newsletter, 5, 39.

Johnson, A. R. (1992) Notes from the regions (Old World) 1989. Flamingo Research Group Newsletter, 6, 5-8.
Rendón-Martos, M. (1992) Situacion del flamenco en La Laguna de Fuente de Piedra (Espana) durante el ano 1989. Flamingo Research Group Newsletter, 6, 11-12.
Gonzalez, J.M.R. (1992). Primero resultados de los anillamientos de flamencos (Phoenicopterus ruber roseus) en la Laguna de fuente de Piedra. Flamingo Research Group Newsletter, 6, 13-15.
Johnson, A. R. Technical seminar on the status and conservation problems of the Greater Flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber roseus) in the western Mediterranean and North West Africa. Flamingo Research Group Newsletter, 6, 16-19.
Manakadan, R. (1992) Biology of the greater flamingo in the Great Vedharanyam Swamp, Point Calimere Sanctuary, India. Flamingo Research Group Newsletter, 6, 20-24.
Johnson, A. R. (1992) News from the regions (Old World) 1990. Flamingo Research Group Newsletter, 6, 27-30.
Anonymous. (1992) Flamingo ringing in 1989 and 1990 (old world). Flamingo Research Group Newsletter, 6, 31-32.
Pickering , S. (1992) A short report on the 1990 Slimbridge (U.K.) flamingo breeding season. lang=ES Flamingo Research Group Newsletter, 6, 33-36.
de Boer, B. A. (1992) News from the regions (new world) 1990. Flamingo Research Group Newsletter, 6, 37-39.
Batllori, E., Correa, J., Murgula, R. & Boege, E. (1992) Reporte de la vista al ecosistema lagunar de la Ria Lagartos. Flamingo Research Group Newsletter, 6, 40.
Correa, J. & Boege, E. (1992) Diagnostico de los problemas que afectan al Refugio Faunístico de Ría Lagartos. Flamingo Research Group Newsletter, 6, 41.
Carp, E. (1992) The flamingo colony at the Laguna de Llancanelo (Provincia de Mendoza) Argentina. Flamingo Research Group Newsletter, 6, 45.
Ramirez, J. M. & Rendon, M. (1992) La reproduccion del flamenco (Phoenicopterus ruber roseus) durante 1990 en La Reserva Natural Laguna de Fuente de Piedra (Malaga). Flamingo Research Group Newsletter, 6, 46-49.
Rendón, M. & Ramirez, J. M. (1992) La gestion de la colonia de flamencos (Phoenicopterus ruber roseus) en Fuente de Piedra, Espana durante el ano 1990. Flamingo Research Group Newsletter,6, 50-52.
Pain, D. (1992) Trace metal exposure of Camargue flamingos. Flamingo Research Group Newsletter, 6, 53.
Cosson, R. P. & Metayer, C. (1992) Étude de la contamination des flamants de Camargue par quelques elements trace: Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb, Se et Zn. Flamingo Research Group Newsletter, 6, 53.
Johnson, A. R. (1992) What is the potential life-span of a greater flamingo? Flamingo Research Group Newsletter, 6, 54.

Johnson, A. R. & de Boer, B. (1995) IWRB Flamingo Specialist Group Newsletter. 7.
Huertas-Pedrero, J. & Prosper Candel, P. (1995) Notas sobre el intento de reproduccion del flamenco rosa (Phoenicopterus ruber) en Las Salinas de Santa Pola (Alicante), Espana, ano 1992. IWRB Flamingo Specialist Group Newsletter, 7, 44.
Johnson, A. R. (1995) Flamingo ringing in 1991-1994. IWRB Flamingo Specialist Group Newsletter, 7, 37-38.
Johnson, A. R. (1995) Notes from the regions 1991 (Old World). IWRB Flamingo Specialist Group Newsletter, 7, 5-11.
Johnson, A. R. (1995) Notes from the regions 1992 (Old World). IWRB Flamingo Specialist Group Newsletter, 7, 13-18.
Johnson, A. R. (1995) News from the regions 1993 (Old World). IWRB Flamingo Specialist Group Newsletter, 7, 21-26.
Johnson, A. R. (1995) Notes from the regions 1994 (Old World). IWRB Flamingo Specialist Group Newsletter, 7, 29-35.
Johnson, A. R. & Bennun, L. (1995) Workshop on lesser flamingos, Nakuru, Kenya, November 1993. IWRB Flamingo Specialist Group Newsletter, 7, 40.
Huertas-Pedrero, J. & Prosper Candel, P. (1995) Notas sobre el intento de reproduccion del flamenco rosa (Phoenicopterus ruber) en Las Salinas de Santa Pola (Alicante), Espana, ano 1992. IWRB Flamingo Specialist Group Newsletter, 7, 44.
Martinez Vilalta, A. (1995) La nidification del flamenco (Phoenicopterus ruber roseus) en el Delta del Ebro, Tarragona, Espana, Durante 1993. IWRB Flamingo Specialist Group Newsletter, 7, 45-47.
Baccetti, N. (1995) First recorded breeding by flamingos on Mainland Italy. IWRB Flamingo Specialist Group Newsletter, 7, 48.
Treep, J. M. (1995) Feral flamingos in Germany and the Netherlands. IWRB Flamingo Specialist Group Newsletter, 7, 50-51.

Johnson, A. c. & Henry, P.-Y. c. (1998) News from the regions 1995. Flamingo Specialist Group Newsletter, 8, 4-12.
Johnson, A. c. & Henry, P.-Y. c. (1998) News from the regions 1996. Flamingo Specialist Group Newsletter, 8.13-18.
Johnson, A. (1998) Flamingo ringing in 1995-1996. Flamingo Specialist Group Newsletter, 8, 20.
Johnson, A. (1998) Some noteworthy recoveries. Flamingo Specialist Group Newsletter, 8, 21.
Sangha, H. S. (1998) Flamingo surveys at Sambhar Lake (Rajasthan), India. Flamingo Specialist Group Newsletter 8, 24-25.
Kumar, S. & Bhargava, R. N. (1998) Sambhar Lake: A new breeding ground of flamingoes in India. Flamingo Specialist Group Newsletter 8, 26.
Dellelegen, Y. & Desta, S. (1998) Flamingos in Ethiopia. (A brief status report on lesser flamingo Phoenicopterus minor in some Ethiopian Rift Valley lakes). Flamingo Specialist Group Newsletter 8. 28-30.
Bergeson, M. (1998) Flamingo news from Aldabra. Flamingo Specialist Group Newsletter, 8, 31.
Studer-Thiersch, A. (1998) Basle Zoo's veteran flamingos. Flamingo Specialist Group Newsletter,8, 33.
Anonymous. (1998) Some recent literature on flamingos and their environment. Flamingo Specialist Group Newsletter, 8, 37-41.

Johnson, A. R. & Henry, P. Y. (1998) Annual report 1997. Flamingo Specialist Group Newsletter 9 3-10.
Johnson, A. (1998) Flamingo ringing in 1997-old world. Flamingo Specialist Group Newsletter, 9, 12.
Johnson, A. R. (1998) A noteworthy recovery. Flamingo Specialist Group Newsletter, 9, 12.
Arengo, F. (1998) Recent population estimates and nesting activity of American Flamingos (Phoenicopterus ruber ruber) in Yucatan, Mexico. Flamingo Specialist Group Newsletter, 9, 16-18.
McCulloch, G. (1998) A research proposal for a study on the flamingo population of the Makgadikgadi Pans, Botswana. Flamingo Specialist Group Newsletter, 9, 22.
Bertault, G. (1998) D.N.A. studies of greater flamingos. Flamingo Specialist Group Newsletter, 9, 23
Treep, J. (1998) Feral flamingos in the Netherlands 1995-1997. Flamingo Specialist Group Newsletter, 9, 23.
Proceedings of the IVth International Workshop on the Greater Flamingo in the Mediterranean region and northwest Africa
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