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News 29/36 - 07.10.2014, Christophe Germain
 The 1977-2014 summary of the band used is available
     Christophe Germain

The final version of the summary of the bands used in the Mediterranean from 1977 until 2014 has been updated after the ringing of:
  • 612 flamingos - 19.07.2014 - Laguna de Fuente de Piedra, Spain
  • 502 flamingos - 02.08.2014 - Marismas del Odiel, Spain
  • 432 flamingos - 06.08.2014 - Etang du Roi des Salins d'Aigues-Mortes, France
  •  45 flamingos - 10.08.2014 - Lagune de Korba, Tunisia
Only available in English, it is downloadable from the 'Downloads > Summary of bands used' section or from this link.

                     This news in  

 • Generalities
Species description
The Greater Flamingo Network
Charter for the use of data
 • Counts
Breeding period
Other periods
 • Breeding
Breeding sites
Number of breeders
Number of chicks
 • Banding
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Summary of bands used
Flamingo Specialist Group Newsletters
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 • Photographs
2010 banding, Camargue
2011 banding, Camargue
2012 banding, Camargue
2013 banding, Camargue
2014 banding, Aigues-Mortes
2015 banding, Camargue
2015 Nest Operation, Camargue
Supporting Flamingos
The programme
959919 visits
174799 visitors
2 connected

 ©2006, Station Biologique de la Tour du Valat